Monday 28 April 2014

Mummy Mondays | A year ago today...

...we were given the most wonderful gift. After almost year of trying we found out that we were pregnant. On May 14th 2012 our 1st wedding anniversary we decided to add another branch to our family tree. We were so naive and thought that it would be so easy. That we'd fall pregnant straight away. But that's not always how it happens in the real world and it's not how it happened for us. Now that we have our little miracle I believe that he just wasn't ready when we were. When I look back, even though I remember just how hard it was as month after month passed without a hint of a little pink line, I feel that it's made us appreciate our little bundle of joy so much more. 

We were told by so many people that as soon as you stop "trying" it happens, but who listens to advice these days? So after months of disappointment and heartbreak when Aunt Flow visited every month we decided to just get on with our lives. Such a hard decision to make as a part of us was admitting defeat. We came to the conclusion that if this wasn't the path for us then we needed to get on with our lives. We started doing things that we enjoyed as a couple, instead of sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves. We started ice skating again and fell back in love with the sport. We started working out. We went out for meals. Then the night before we were due to sign up for the gym I decided to take a pregnancy test just to make sure we weren't signing a contract for something we weren't going to use. 

Pregnancy test Pregnancy test

When this extremely faint line appeared we couldn't believe our eyes. I'd had a suspicion that we were pregnant but I'd had the same feelings before and been disappointed. But our eyes weren't playing tricks on us. We really were truly blessed with a baby. 

That's where our journey began. I loved being pregnant. I treasured every moment and felt so lucky to be able to experience one of life's many miracles. But what I love even more than being pregnant, is being a Mum. 

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